In this section, we’ll build a page for editing a post. We’ll also learn how to update a post by sending a PATCH
HTTP request to our server.
Link to the Edit Post Page
Let’s add a link that says Edit next to each row in the posts table. When that link is clicked, we’ll take users to a different page which contains a form for updating information associated with a post. Add a new cell to the bottom of viewPost
in Page/ListPosts.elm
viewPost : Post -> Html Msg
viewPost post =
postPath =
"/posts/" ++ Post.idToString
tr []
, td []
[ a [ href postPath ] [ text "Edit" ] ]
is a custom type, so we need to convert it to a string by calling the Post.idToString
function. Start json-server
and elm-live
using the following commands from beginning-elm
directory in separate terminal windows if they aren’t running already.
$ json-server --watch server/db.json -p 5019
$ elm-live post-app/Main.elm --pushstate
Go to http://localhost:8000/posts
and you should see the Edit links.
The following sequence diagram shows all the steps our app goes through when an Edit link is clicked from the ListPosts
page. We haven’t implemented all of those steps yet. We’ll use the following diagram as a guide for implementing the rest of the code needed for the EditPost
page to fully work.
Step 8: Extracting Post
Route from URL
Steps 1 through 7 shown in the diagram above are already in place. Let’s implement step 8 by adding a new data constructor called Post
to the Route
type in Route.elm
type Route
= NotFound
| Posts
| Post PostId
We need to import the Post
module in Route.elm
module Route exposing (Route(..), parseUrl)
import Post exposing (PostId)
An edit link contains a post’s ID in string format.
We’ll be converting a post’s ID from string to the PostId
type and assign it as a payload to the Post
data constructor. To do that we need to add a new parser to matchRoute
in Route.elm
matchRoute : Parser (Route -> a) a
matchRoute =
[ map Posts top
, map Posts (s "posts")
, map Post (s "posts" </> Post.idParser)
The table below shows which parser in matchRoute
is responsible for matching which path in a given URL.
URL | Path | Parser | Route |
http://localhost:8000 |
top |
Posts |
http://localhost:8000/posts |
/posts |
s "posts" |
Posts |
http://localhost:8000/posts/1 |
/posts/1 |
s "posts" </> Post.idParser |
Post PostId |
The parser for matching an individual post route uses </>
to combine two different parsers.
Next we need to define idParser
. Add the following code to the bottom of Post.elm
idParser : Parser (PostId -> a) a
idParser =
custom "POSTID" <|
\postId -> PostId (String.toInt postId)
We also need to expose idParser
and import Url.Parser
in Post.elm
module Post exposing
( Post
, PostId
, idParser
, idToString
, postDecoder
, postsDecoder
import Url.Parser exposing (Parser, custom)
Primitive Parsers
The Url.Parser
module defines three primitive parsers as shown below.
int : Parser (Int -> a) a
string : Parser (String -> a) a
s : String -> Parser a a
To understand how these parsers work, let’s imagine a type called FakeRoute
- Primitive Type as an ID
- As noted in the Using Custom Types for ID section, it’s not a good practice to use primitive types such as
for an identifier. We ignored that best practice when we definedFakeRoute
because we want to see what the code for parsing those primitive values looks like. In a production app, a properly definedFakeRoute
would look something like this: -
Here are all the parsers for matching routes listed in FakeRoute
matchFakeRoute : Parser (Route -> a) a
matchFakeRoute =
[ map Home top
, map Posts (s "posts")
, map Post (s "posts" </> int)
, map User (s "user" </> string)
, map Comment (s "user" </> string </> s "comment" </> int)
The table below shows which path gets parsed to which route based on the logic in matchFakeRoute
Path | Parser | Route |
top |
Home |
/posts |
s "posts" |
Posts |
/posts/1 |
s "posts" </> int |
Post 1 |
/user/pam |
s "user" </> string |
User "pam" |
/user/pam/comment/12 |
s "user" </> string </> s "comment" </> int |
Comment "pam" 12 |
To understand how s
, int
, and string
work together, let’s unpack the line for parsing an individual post’s path in matchFakeRoute
map Post (s "posts" </> int)
Both string
and int
parsers pluck values out of a path, whereas s
simply matches the given string. So when we use s "posts" </> int
to parse /posts/1
, the s
parser first verifies that the path indeed starts with posts
. After that the int
parser comes in and extracts 1
from the path.
Now that the path has been parsed successfully, we need to map the result to the Post
data constructor from FakeRoute
. It’s important to note that s
expects the path segment to match exactly. Therefore if the given path is /postss/1
, it’ll fail.
The s "user" </> string
parser works in a similar way. Let’s say the path we’re parsing is /user/pam
. s
first verifies that the path starts with user
and then the string
parser extracts pam
The s "user" </> string </> s "comment" </> int
parser is slightly more complex. Let’s find out how it parses the /user/pam/comment/12
path. s
first verifies that the path starts with user
. After that the string
parser extracts pam
and then the s
parser once again verifies that pam
is followed by comment
. Finally, the int
parser extracts 12
and the result is mapped to the Comment
data constructor.
Custom Parsers
As we saw above, primitive parsers are only capable of converting a path segment to either String
or Int
. If we need to convert a segment to any other type, we must create our own parser using the custom
function from Url.Parser
. Here’s the idParser
function from Post.elm
once again.
idParser : Parser (PostId -> a) a
idParser =
custom "POSTID" <|
\postId -> PostId (String.toInt postId)
The following diagram explains the custom
function’s type signature.
As it turns out behind the scenes the string
and int
parsers are also defined in terms of custom
string : Parser (String -> a) a
string =
custom "STRING" Just
int : Parser (Int -> a) a
int =
custom "NUMBER" String.toInt
Step 10: Identify EditPost as the Next Page
Step 9 from the sequence diagram above tells us to store Post
in the route
field in main model. We’ve already done that in the Main.update
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case ( msg, ) of
( UrlChanged url, _ ) ->
newRoute =
Route.parseUrl url
( { model | route = newRoute }, Cmd.none )
|> initCurrentPage
And step 10 tells us to identify EditPost
as the next page. We haven’t done that yet. Let’s add a new branch to initCurrentPage
in Main.elm
for the Post
initCurrentPage : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
initCurrentPage ( model, existingCmds ) =
( currentPage, mappedPageCmds ) =
case model.route of
Route.Posts ->
Route.Post postId ->
( pageModel, pageCmd ) =
EditPost.init postId model.navKey
( EditPage pageModel, EditPageMsg pageCmd )
Now add EditPage
to the Page
type in Main.elm
type Page
= NotFoundPage
| ListPage ListPosts.Model
| EditPage EditPost.Model
Creating the EditPost Page
To fully implement step 10 we also need to create the EditPost
page module. Create a new file called EditPost.elm
inside the Page
directory and add the following code to it.
module Page.EditPost exposing (Model)
type alias Model =
As noted in the Restructuring Code section earlier in this chapter, the central type for each page module is Model
. Right now EditPost
’s model is an empty record. We’ll expand it as we keep building the page.
The branch for the Post
route in Main.update
shows that the function for initializing the EditPost
page takes a post ID and a navigation key as inputs.
( pageModel, pageCmd ) =
EditPost.init postId model.navKey
Let’s implement that function by adding the following code to the bottom of EditPost.elm
init : PostId -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init postId navKey =
( initialModel navKey, fetchPost postId )
initialModel : Nav.Key -> Model
initialModel navKey =
{ navKey = navKey
We need access to navKey
in EditPost
to navigate users to the ListPosts
page after the post data is saved. Let’s add that field to the model in EditPost.elm
type alias Model =
{ navKey : Nav.Key
is defined in the Browser.Navigation
module and PostId
is defined in the Post
module. Let’s import those in EditPost.elm
module Page.EditPost exposing (Model)
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Post exposing (Post, PostId, postDecoder)
Fetching Post
When the EditPost
page is being initialized, we need to fetch a fresh copy of the post we want to edit from the server. The Main
module could have grabbed the post record in question from the ListPosts
page and sent that directly to EditPost
instead of just the ID. That would have saved us a round trip to the server. But what if some other client app has already modified the post we want to edit? By fetching it from the server, we’re always working on the latest version of that record. Add the following code to the bottom of EditPost.elm
fetchPost : PostId -> Cmd Msg
fetchPost postId =
{ url = "http://localhost:5019/posts/" ++ Post.idToString postId
, expect =
|> Http.expectJson (RemoteData.fromResult >> PostReceived)
works similarly to the fetchPosts
function we implemented in ListPosts.elm
fetchPosts : Cmd Msg
fetchPosts =
{ url = "http://localhost:5019/posts/"
, expect =
|> Http.expectJson (RemoteData.fromResult >> PostsReceived)
The former retrieves just one post whereas the latter retrieves multiple posts. If you don’t remember how the RemoteData.fromResult
function works, you may want to review the RemoteData section from chapter 6. Import the Http
module in EditPost.elm
module Page.EditPost exposing (Model)
import Http
PostReceived Message
Let’s define PostReceived
by adding the following code to the bottom of EditPost.elm
type Msg
= PostReceived (WebData Post)
Now import RemoteData
in EditPost.elm
module Page.EditPost exposing (Model)
import RemoteData exposing (WebData)
Next we need to handle the PostReceived
message inside update
. Add the following code to the bottom of EditPost.elm
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
PostReceived post ->
( { model | post = post }, Cmd.none )
Note: As mentioned in the Restructuring Code section, each page module is provided with the init
, update
and view
functions of its own so that it can independently follow the Elm Architecture.
All we’re doing inside the PostReceived post ->
branch is assign the data retrieved from a server to the post
field. Let’s add that field to Model
in EditPost.elm
type alias Model =
{ navKey : Nav.Key
, post : WebData Post
We also need to initialize the post
field to RemoteData.Loading
in initialModel
initialModel : Nav.Key -> Model
initialModel navKey =
{ navKey = navKey
, post = RemoteData.Loading
Showing Edit Post Form
We’re now ready to create a form through which the user will edit post data. Add the following code to the bottom of EditPost.elm
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ h3 [] [ text "Edit Post" ]
, viewPost
viewPost : WebData Post -> Html Msg
viewPost post =
case post of
RemoteData.NotAsked ->
text ""
RemoteData.Loading ->
h3 [] [ text "Loading Post..." ]
RemoteData.Success postData ->
editForm postData
RemoteData.Failure httpError ->
viewFetchError (buildErrorMessage httpError)
editForm : Post -> Html Msg
editForm post =
Html.form []
[ div []
[ text "Title"
, br [] []
, input
[ type_ "text"
, value post.title
, onInput UpdateTitle
, br [] []
, div []
[ text "Author Name"
, br [] []
, input
[ type_ "text"
, value post.authorName
, onInput UpdateAuthorName
, br [] []
, div []
[ text "Author URL"
, br [] []
, input
[ type_ "text"
, value post.authorUrl
, onInput UpdateAuthorUrl
, br [] []
, div []
[ button [ type_ "button", onClick SavePost ]
[ text "Submit" ]
viewFetchError : String -> Html Msg
viewFetchError errorMessage =
errorHeading =
"Couldn't fetch post at this time."
div []
[ h3 [] [ text errorHeading ]
, text ("Error: " ++ errorMessage)
buildErrorMessage : Http.Error -> String
buildErrorMessage httpError =
case httpError of
Http.BadUrl message ->
Http.Timeout ->
"Server is taking too long to respond. Please try again later."
Http.NetworkError ->
"Unable to reach server."
Http.BadStatus statusCode ->
"Request failed with status code: " ++ String.fromInt statusCode
Http.BadBody message ->
The above code listing doesn’t include anything we haven’t covered already, so you should be able to figure out how it works. We need to import the following modules in EditPost.elm
for the view code to work properly.
module Page.EditPost exposing (Model)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
onInput Messages
The input
elements in editForm
send separate messages to the Elm runtime whenever their content is modified. Let’s add those messages to the Msg
type in EditPost.elm
type Msg
= PostReceived (WebData Post)
| UpdateTitle String
| UpdateAuthorName String
| UpdateAuthorUrl String
Now add three separate branches to the update
function in EditPost.elm
for handling those messages.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
PostReceived post ->
UpdateTitle newTitle ->
updateTitle =
(\postData ->
{ postData | title = newTitle }
( { model | post = updateTitle }, Cmd.none )
UpdateAuthorName newName ->
updateAuthorName =
(\postData ->
{ postData | authorName = newName }
( { model | post = updateAuthorName }, Cmd.none )
UpdateAuthorUrl newUrl ->
updateAuthorUrl =
(\postData ->
{ postData | authorUrl = newUrl }
( { model | post = updateAuthorUrl }, Cmd.none )
Since post
is of type WebData Post
we can’t simply use the syntax for modifying a record to update the title
, authorName
, and authorUrl
fields like this:
UpdateTitle newTitle ->
oldPost =
updateTitle =
{ oldPost | title = newTitle }
( { model | post = updateTitle }, Cmd.none )
That’s why all three branches above have to use the
function. The following diagram illustrates how it works.
Here’s another way of looking at how
transforms a value:
And here’s how
is implemented behind the scenes:
map : (a -> b) -> RemoteData e a -> RemoteData e b
map f data =
case data of
Success value ->
Success (f value)
Loading ->
NotAsked ->
Failure error ->
Failure error
The e
and a
type variables represent the Failure
and Success
values respectively as shown in RemoteData
’s definition below.
type RemoteData e a
= NotAsked
| Loading
| Failure e
| Success a
Saving a Post
To save the modified post data, the user has to click the Submit
button. When that happens, the SavePost
message is sent to the Elm runtime.
editForm : Post -> Html Msg
editForm post =
, div []
[ button [ type_ "button", onClick SavePost ]
[ text "Submit" ]
Let’s add that message to the Msg
type in EditPost.elm
type Msg
| UpdateAuthorUrl String
| SavePost
Now add a new branch to update
in EditPost.elm
for handling the SavePost
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateAuthorUrl newUrl ->
SavePost ->
( model, savePost )
The SavePost ->
branch asks the savePost
function to create an HTTP request. Let’s implement that right below update
in EditPost.elm
savePost : WebData Post -> Cmd Msg
savePost post =
case post of
RemoteData.Success postData ->
postUrl =
++ Post.idToString
{ method = "PATCH"
, headers = []
, url = postUrl
, body = Http.jsonBody (postEncoder postData)
, expect = Http.expectJson PostSaved postDecoder
, timeout = Nothing
, tracker = Nothing
_ ->
If the value stored in post
is Success
, savePost
returns a command for updating the post data.
Unfortunately, the Http
module doesn’t provide a separate function for creating an update request. Therefore, we’re forced to construct our request using a low-level function called Http.request
. The Http.get
function we saw in chapter 6 also uses Http.request
behind the scenes.
get : { url : String, expect : Expect msg } -> Cmd msg
get r =
{ method = "GET"
, headers = []
, url = r.url
, body = emptyBody
, expect = r.expect
, timeout = Nothing
, tracker = Nothing
takes a record with seven fields. Let’s go through those fields one by one.
method - To update a resource on the server, we need to use the PATCH
headers - The headers
field allows us to send additional information to the server. Since we don’t want to send any headers, we’re giving it an empty list in savePost
url - The location of the resource we want to modify.
body - This field contains the modified post data. But first we must translate that data from Elm values to JSON by using the module called Json.Encode
. Let’s import it in Post.elm
module Post exposing
import Json.Encode as Encode
We can now create an encoder for Post
by adding the following code to the bottom of Post.elm
postEncoder : Post -> Encode.Value
postEncoder post =
[ ( "id", encodeId )
, ( "title", Encode.string post.title )
, ( "authorName", Encode.string post.authorName )
, ( "authorUrl", Encode.string post.authorUrl )
encodeId : PostId -> Encode.Value
encodeId (PostId id) = id
We need to expose postEncoder
in Post.elm
and EditPost.elm
module Post exposing
, postEncoder
module Page.EditPost exposing (Model)
import Post exposing (Post, PostId, postDecoder, postEncoder)
The process of encoding Elm values to JSON is the exact opposite of decoding JSON to Elm values. We can’t assign the encoded value directly to the body
field though. We need to explicitly tell Http.request
that our encoded value is in JSON format by using the Http.jsonBody
body = Http.jsonBody (postEncoder postData)
This will add the Content-Type: application/json
header to our HTTP request behind the scenes. That is how the server knows the body of a request is in JSON format.
expect - By using the Http.expectJson
function we’re letting Elm know that we expect the response body to be JSON as well. We’re using the same decoder we created in the Decoding Nested Objects section to decode the response.
expect = Http.expectJson PostSaved postDecoder
timeout - Sometimes a server takes forever to return a response. If we don’t want our users to wait too long, we can specify a timeout like this:
timeout = Just (Time.second 30)
expects a Maybe
. That’s why we need to wrap the value in Just
. Since we don’t want to specify a timeout, we’re simply passing Nothing
timeout = Nothing
tracker - This field allows us to track the progress of a request. Since we aren’t interested in our request’s progress, we assigned Nothing
to the tracker
tracker = Nothing
PostSaved Message
We’ve covered everything in savePost
except the PostSaved
message. When the PATCH
request is complete, the Elm runtime will send the PostSaved
message to update
. Let’s add it to the Msg
type in EditPost.elm
type Msg
| SavePost
| PostSaved (Result Http.Error Post)
’s payload doesn’t need to be of type WebData
because unlike fetchPost
we aren’t interested in tracking all the states our PATCH
request goes through. All we need to know is whether the request is successful or not. The Result
type is perfect for that. Let’s handle PostSaved
by adding two new branches to update
in EditPost.elm
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
SavePost ->
PostSaved (Ok postData) ->
post =
RemoteData.succeed postData
( { model | post = post }, Cmd.none )
PostSaved (Err error) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
If the request is successful, postData
will contain the updated Post
record. Before we can assign that record to the post
field in our model, we have to convert it to the WebData
type. RemoteData.succeed
is just what we need. It lifts an ordinary value into the realm of RemoteData
Here’s how the type signature of RemoteData.succeed
succeed : a -> RemoteData e a
Handling Post Save Error
The PostSaved (Err error) ->
branch above simply returns an unmodified model which is not a good practice. We should always handle errors properly. Here’s what we’re going to do: we’ll save the error in our model and display it below the edit form. Let’s add a new field called saveError
to the model in EditPost.elm
type alias Model =
{ navKey : Nav.Key
, post : WebData Post
, saveError : Maybe String
is of type Maybe
because there won’t be any error to display if the PATCH
request is successful. Let’s initialize it to Nothing
in initialModel
initialModel : Nav.Key -> Model
initialModel navKey =
{ navKey = navKey
, post = RemoteData.Loading
, saveError = Nothing
Next we need to assign a proper value to the saveError
field in two branches that handle the PostSaved
message in update
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
PostSaved (Ok postData) ->
post =
RemoteData.succeed postData
( { model | post = post, saveError = Nothing }
, Cmd.none
PostSaved (Err error) ->
( { model | saveError = Just (buildErrorMessage error) }
, Cmd.none
The only thing remaining is to display the error message. Add the following code below the viewFetchError
function in EditPost.elm
viewSaveError : Maybe String -> Html msg
viewSaveError maybeError =
case maybeError of
Just error ->
div []
[ h3 [] [ text "Couldn't save post at this time." ]
, text ("Error: " ++ error)
Nothing ->
text ""
And call viewSaveError
from view
in EditPost.elm
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ h3 [] [ text "Edit Post" ]
, viewPost
, viewSaveError model.saveError
Taking Users Back to the ListPosts Page
It’d be great if we could take the users back to the ListPosts
page after they’ve successfully updated a post. To do that we need to return a command from the PostSaved (Ok postData) ->
branch in update
using Route.pushUrl
as shown below.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
PostSaved (Ok postData) ->
post =
RemoteData.succeed postData
( { model | post = post, saveError = Nothing }
, Route.pushUrl Route.Posts model.navKey
PostSaved (Err error) ->
We haven’t defined the pushUrl
function yet. Let’s do that by adding the following code to the bottom of Route.elm
pushUrl : Route -> Nav.Key -> Cmd msg
pushUrl route navKey =
routeToString route
|> Nav.pushUrl navKey
routeToString : Route -> String
routeToString route =
case route of
NotFound ->
Posts ->
Post postId ->
"/posts/" ++ Post.idToString postId
All Route.pushUrl
does is convert a route to a string path and call Nav.pushUrl
like we did in the Main.update
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case ( msg, ) of
( LinkClicked urlRequest, _ ) ->
case urlRequest of
Browser.Internal url ->
( model
, Nav.pushUrl model.navKey (Url.toString url)
Browser.External url ->
We need to expose pushUrl
and also import the Browser.Navigation
module in Route.elm
module Route exposing (Route(..), parseUrl, pushUrl)
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
We also need to import Route
in EditPost.elm
module Page.EditPost exposing (Model)
import Route
Moving buildErrorMessage
Let’s do some housekeeping by moving the buildErrorMessage
function to a new module. Both EditPost.elm
and ListPosts.elm
implement that function in exactly the same way. We’ll be using buildErrorMessage
in other modules too in the future. Create a new file called Error.elm
inside the post-app
directory and add the code below to it.
module Error exposing (buildErrorMessage)
import Http
buildErrorMessage : Http.Error -> String
buildErrorMessage httpError =
case httpError of
Http.BadUrl message ->
Http.Timeout ->
"Server is taking too long to respond. Please try again later."
Http.NetworkError ->
"Unable to reach server."
Http.BadStatus statusCode ->
"Request failed with status code: " ++ String.fromInt statusCode
Http.BadBody message ->
Now remove buildErrorMessage
’s definition from EditPost.elm
and ListPosts.elm
. After that import the Error
module in both of those files.
module Page.EditPost exposing (Model)
import Error exposing (buildErrorMessage)
module Page.ListPosts exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view)
import Error exposing (buildErrorMessage)
only exposes Model
right now, but we need to expose Msg
, init
, update
, and view
as well. Let’s do that.
module Page.EditPost exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view)
Adding EditPageMsg to Main
Now that we’re done implementing the EditPost
page, we need to import it in Main.elm
module Main exposing (main)
import Page.EditPost as EditPost
Next we need to add EditPageMsg
to the Msg
type in Main.elm
type Msg
| UrlChanged Url
| EditPageMsg EditPost.Msg
And handle that message by adding a new branch to update
in Main.elm
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case ( msg, ) of
( UrlChanged url, _ ) ->
( EditPageMsg subMsg, EditPage pageModel ) ->
( updatedPageModel, updatedCmd ) =
EditPost.update subMsg pageModel
( { model | page = EditPage updatedPageModel }
, EditPageMsg updatedCmd
( _, _ ) ->
The branch for handling EditPageMsg
looks very similar to the one that handles ListPageMsg
which is already covered in the Updating Page Models section. This marks the completion of step 10 from the sequence diagram above. Step 11 and 12 are also in place already.
Step 13 - 17: Return EditPost View
We can take care of the rest of the steps by adding a new branch for EditPage
to the currentView
function in Main.elm
currentView : Model -> Html Msg
currentView model =
case of
ListPage pageModel ->
EditPage pageModel ->
EditPost.view pageModel
|> EditPageMsg
If you don’t remember how
works, you may want to review the Displaying Current Page section.
Testing the EditPost Page
Phew. That was a lot of code we had to write to make the EditPost
page work. We’re now ready to test it. Run json-server
and elm-live
from the beginning-elm
directory in separate terminal windows if they aren’t running already.
$ json-server --watch server/db.json -p 5019
$ elm-live post-app/Main.elm --pushstate
Check the elm-live
window in terminal to make sure everything compiled successfully. Now go to http://localhost:8000
and you should see a list of posts.
Click the Edit
link next to typicode
and you’ll be taken to the EditPost
page. The URL in browser’s address bar will also change to http://localhost:8000/posts/1
Now update the title to json-server (modified)
and click Submit
You should be taken back to the ListPosts
page and there you should see the modified title.
In this section, we built a separate page for editing a post. We learned how to modify a resource on a server using the PATCH
HTTP request. Along the way, we figured out how to properly navigate users to the EditPost
page. We saw what an HTTP request is really made up of by understanding each field in the record given to Http.request
. Finally, we learned how to encode Elm values into JSON using the Json.Encode
module. In the next section, we’ll delete a post by sending a DELETE
HTTP request to our server.