

Unlike most other languages, Elm doesn’t use syntactic markers such as curly brackets, parentheses, or semicolons to specify code boundaries. It uses whitespaces and indentations instead. There are situations where if we don’t place our code in a certain order or provide proper indentation, Elm will throw a syntax error. Let’s go through those one by one.

Function Definitions

Let’s use an example from the Function section earlier in this chapter to understand the implications of using incorrect orders and indentations when defining a function.

module Playground exposing (main)

import Html

escapeEarth myVelocity mySpeed =
    if myVelocity > 11.186 then

    else if mySpeed == 7.67 then
        "Stay in orbit"

        "Come back"

main =
    Html.text <| escapeEarth 11.2 7.2

All Elm files begin with a module definition. It’s perfectly fine to add comments above the module definition, but no other code can go above it.

   The Playground module is used to experiment with
   various concepts in Elm programming language.

module Playground exposing (main)

import lines are optional. If they’re included, they’re listed right below the module definition. Both module and import lines must start at the left most column. The top-level function definitions are placed below the import lines. They too must start at the left most column. Later, you will be introduced to other concepts in Elm such as type that also go below the import lines.

Notice how two blank lines are used to separate the definitions of escapeEarth and main functions? Because Elm doesn’t use delimiters such as curly braces to surround functions like in other mainstream languages, using only a single blank line to separate definitions can make our code less readable.

Elm borrowed this convention from Python — another great language. However, the module and import lines are separated with only one blank line. These spacing rules are enforced by elm-format. It is a little confusing that elm-format uses two blank lines between some definitions, and one blank line between others. Maybe that will change by the time 1.0.0 version is out.

At the time of this writing, elm-format uses four spaces to indent a function body. Because it’s still in beta, don’t be surprised if it ends up using two spaces instead of four when version 1.0.0 is out.

In the earlier sections, you were led to believe that the body of a function, if, let, and case expressions must be indented with at least one space. That still holds true. Syntactically speaking, all Elm cares about is an indentation with at least one space, but using more than one space improves readability of our code.

Note: If you’re interested in further exploration, here is a vigorous debate between the Elm community members on whether to use two or four spaces for indentation. We programmers are so nitpicky, aren’t we?

If, Let, and Case Expressions

An if expression must be placed inside a function definition, otherwise Elm will throw an error.

module Playground exposing (main)

import Html

-- This is invalid code

if myVelocity > 11.186 then

else if mySpeed == 7.67 then
    "Stay in orbit"

    "Come back"

The part after then and final else should be placed on the next line indented with four spaces. It’s perfectly fine to place an if expression inside a let or case expression as long as they themselves are placed inside a function. We already saw an example of this in the Let Expression section earlier. Here it is again.

escapeEarth myVelocity mySpeed =
        escapeVelocityInKmPerSec =

        orbitalSpeedInKmPerSec =
    if myVelocity > escapeVelocityInKmPerSec then

    else if mySpeed == orbitalSpeedInKmPerSec then
        "Stay in orbit"

        "Come back"

The code inside the let area must be indented with at least one space, whereas the code inside the in area doesn’t need any indentation. The body of the case expression must also be indented with at least one space. As of this writing, elm-format uses four spaces in both cases to improve readability. The list below summarizes the indentation rules we have covered thus far.

Basic Indentation Rules
  • module, import, and top-level function definitions must start at the left most column.
  • If an expression is split into multiple lines, the code that is part of that expression must be indented under that expression with at least one space.
  • Parts of the expression that are grouped together should be indented with equal number of spaces. This rule is particularly important in the let area.
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