The only operation left to cover is creating a new post. In this section, we’ll build a new page designed specifically for that purpose.
Adding Create New Post Link
Here’s the plan: we’ll add a link that says Create new post below the Refresh posts button on the ListPosts
page. When that link is clicked, we’ll take the user to a new page which will contain a form for creating a new post. Modify the view
function in ListPosts.elm
as shown below.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ button [ onClick FetchPosts ]
[ text "Refresh posts" ]
, br [] []
, br [] []
, a [ href "/posts/new" ]
[ text "Create new post" ]
, viewPosts model.posts
, viewDeleteError model.deleteError
Run json-server
and elm-live
from the beginning-elm
directory in separate terminal windows if they aren’t running already.
$ json-server --watch server/db.json -p 5019
$ elm-live post-app/Main.elm --pushstate
Now go to http://localhost:8000
and you should see the link for creating a new post.
The following sequence diagram shows all the steps our app goes through when the Create new post link is clicked. It looks very similar to the sequence diagram for an edit post link. We’ll use the following diagram as a guide for implementing the NewPost
Step 8: Extracting NewPost
Route from URL
Steps 1 through 7 shown in the diagram above are already in place. Let’s implement step 8 by adding a new data constructor called NewPost
to the Route
type in Route.elm
type Route
| Post PostId
| NewPost
page’s path is quite simple as shown in the figure below.
Let’s add a parser to matchRoute
in Route.elm
for matching the new post path.
matchRoute : Parser (Route -> a) a
matchRoute =
, map Post (s "posts" </> Post.idParser)
, map NewPost (s "posts" </> s "new")
The table below shows which parser in matchRoute
is responsible for matching which path in a given URL.
URL | Path | Parser | Route |
http://localhost:8000 |
top |
Posts |
http://localhost:8000/posts |
/posts |
s "posts" |
Posts |
http://localhost:8000/posts/1 |
/posts/1 |
s "posts" </> Post.idParser |
Post PostId |
http://localhost:8000/posts/new |
/posts/new |
s "posts" </> s "new" |
NewPost |
Step 10: Identify NewPost
as the Next Page
Step 9 from the sequence diagram above tells us to store NewPost
in the route
field in main model. We’ve already done that in the Main.update
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case ( msg, ) of
( UrlChanged url, _ ) ->
newRoute =
Route.parseUrl url
( { model | route = newRoute }, Cmd.none )
|> initCurrentPage
And step 10 tells us to identify NewPost
as the next page. We haven’t done that yet. Let’s add a new branch to initCurrentPage
in Main.elm
for the NewPost
initCurrentPage : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
initCurrentPage ( model, existingCmds ) =
( currentPage, mappedPageCmds ) =
case model.route of
Route.Post postId ->
Route.NewPost ->
( pageModel, pageCmd ) =
NewPost.init model.navKey
( NewPage pageModel, NewPageMsg pageCmd )
Now add NewPage
to the Page
type in Main.elm
type Page
| EditPage EditPost.Model
| NewPage NewPost.Model
Creating the NewPost
To fully implement step 10 we also need to create the NewPost
page module. Create a new file called NewPost.elm
inside the Page
directory and add the following code to it.
module Page.NewPost exposing (Model)
type alias Model =
Like EditPost
, the NewPost
page module’s central type is also Model
which is an empty record right now. We’ll expand it as we keep building the page.
The branch for the NewPost
route in Main.update
shows that the function for initializing the NewPost
page takes a navigation key as the only input.
( pageModel, pageCmd ) =
NewPost.init model.navKey
Let’s implement that function by adding the following code to the bottom of NewPost.elm
init : Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init navKey =
( initialModel navKey, Cmd.none )
initialModel : Nav.Key -> Model
initialModel navKey =
{ navKey = navKey
We need access to navKey
in NewPost
to navigate users to the ListPosts
page after a new post has been created. Let’s add that field to the model in NewPost.elm
type alias Model =
{ navKey : Nav.Key
is defined in the Browser.Navigation
module, so we need to import it in NewPost.elm
module Page.NewPost exposing (Model)
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
Showing the New Post Form
We’re now ready to build a form through which the user will create a new post. Add the following code to the bottom of NewPost.elm
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ h3 [] [ text "Create New Post" ]
, newPostForm
newPostForm : Html Msg
newPostForm =
Html.form []
[ div []
[ text "Title"
, br [] []
, input [ type_ "text", onInput StoreTitle ] []
, br [] []
, div []
[ text "Author Name"
, br [] []
, input [ type_ "text", onInput StoreAuthorName ] []
, br [] []
, div []
[ text "Author URL"
, br [] []
, input [ type_ "text", onInput StoreAuthorUrl ] []
, br [] []
, div []
[ button [ type_ "button", onClick CreatePost ]
[ text "Submit" ]
We need to import the following modules in NewPost.elm
module Page.NewPost exposing (Model)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
onInput Messages
The input
elements in newPostForm
send separate messages to the Elm runtime whenever their content is modified. Let’s add those messages to a new type called Msg
. The following code goes to the bottom of NewPost.elm
type Msg
= StoreTitle String
| StoreAuthorName String
| StoreAuthorUrl String
Now add update
to the bottom of NewPost.elm
for handling those messages.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
StoreTitle title ->
oldPost =
updateTitle =
{ oldPost | title = title }
( { model | post = updateTitle }, Cmd.none )
StoreAuthorName name ->
oldPost =
updateAuthorName =
{ oldPost | authorName = name }
( { model | post = updateAuthorName }, Cmd.none )
StoreAuthorUrl url ->
oldPost =
updateAuthorUrl =
{ oldPost | authorUrl = url }
( { model | post = updateAuthorUrl }, Cmd.none )
All three branches use the post
field to store information. We haven’t added that field to the Model
record in NewPost.elm
yet. Let’s do that next.
type alias Model =
{ navKey : Nav.Key
, post : Post
For comparison, the post
field in EditPost.elm
had WebData
as its type.
type alias Model =
{ navKey : Nav.Key
, post : WebData Post
, saveError : Maybe String
The EditPost
module needed to retrieve the post we wanted to edit from a server when the page was loading. By using WebData
, we were able to track all states our fetch request went through.
In contrast, NewPost
doesn’t retrieve a post when the page is loading. So how do we initialize the post
field in NewPost.elm
? We can do that by assigning it an empty post.
initialModel : Nav.Key -> Model
initialModel navKey =
{ navKey = navKey
, post = emptyPost
Add the following code to the bottom of Post.elm
emptyPost : Post
emptyPost =
{ id = emptyPostId
, title = ""
, authorName = ""
, authorUrl = ""
emptyPostId : PostId
emptyPostId =
PostId -1
We’re using -1
as an empty post’s id
to indicate that it’s temporary. The real id
will be assigned later when the server actually creates a post. It’s highly unlikely that a real post will have a negative number as its id
. Most servers start with a positive number as an id
and keep incrementing it whenever a new resource is created. We need to expose emptyPost
in Post.elm
and NewPost.elm
module Post exposing
, emptyPost
module Page.NewPost exposing (Model)
import Post exposing (Post, PostId, emptyPost, postDecoder)
Record Dot Syntax
Elm prohibits the use of dot syntax when updating a record field. That’s why we couldn’t use
inside updateTitle
when handling the StoreTitle
message like this:
title ->
updateTitle =
{ | title = title }
( { model | post = updateTitle }, Cmd.none )
That forced us to create a separate constant for holding the old post like this:
StoreTitle title ->
oldPost =
updateTitle =
{ oldPost | title = title }
( { model | post = updateTitle }, Cmd.none )
Creating a Post
To create a new post, the user has to click the Submit
button. When that happens, the CreatePost
message is sent to the Elm runtime.
newPostForm : Html Msg
newPostForm =
, div []
[ button [ type_ "button", onClick CreatePost ]
[ text "Submit" ]
Let’s add that message to the Msg
type in NewPost.elm
type Msg
| StoreAuthorUrl String
| CreatePost
Now add a new branch to update
in NewPost.elm
for handling the CreatePost
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
StoreAuthorUrl url ->
CreatePost ->
( model, createPost )
The CreatePost ->
branch asks the createPost
function to build an HTTP request. Let’s implement that right below update
in NewPost.elm
createPost : Post -> Cmd Msg
createPost post =
{ url = "http://localhost:5019/posts"
, body = Http.jsonBody (newPostEncoder post)
, expect = Http.expectJson PostCreated postDecoder
We need to import the Http
module in NewPost.elm
module Page.NewPost exposing (Model)
import Http
Luckily, Elm does provide a function called
for creating an HTTP POST
request which is used for creating a new resource on the server. The name of this request has nothing to do with the name we picked for our resource — post
. It’s just a coincidence. Here’s what
’s type signature looks like:
post :
{ url : String
, body : Body
, expect : Expect msg
-> Cmd msg
For comparison, here’s what the type signature of Http.get
we covered in the Fetching Data from an HTTP Server section looks like:
get :
{ url : String
, expect : Expect msg
-> Cmd msg
The only difference is
takes a body whereas Http.get
doesn’t. Just like the PATCH
request we created for saving a post, the POST
request also uses the Http.jsonBody
function to make it clear that the body of our request is in JSON format.
body = Http.jsonBody (newPostEncoder post)
request used the postEncoder
function to encode Elm values to JSON. Here’s how it looks:
postEncoder : Post -> Encode.Value
postEncoder post =
[ ( "id", encodeId )
, ( "title", Encode.string post.title )
, ( "authorName", Encode.string post.authorName )
, ( "authorUrl", Encode.string post.authorUrl )
encodeId : PostId -> Encode.Value
encodeId (PostId id) = id
can’t use that encoder because our new post doesn’t have a real id
yet. The server is responsible for creating that. The JSON body that eventually gets sent to the server for creating a new post will look something like this:
"title": "new-title",
"authorName": "new-author-name",
"authorUrl": ""
Notice the id
field is missing. Whereas the JSON for updating an existing post looks something like this:
"id": 2,
"title": "http-server (modified)",
"authorName": "indexzero",
"authorUrl": ""
includes id
. That’s why we can’t use it in createPost
. What we need is a separate encoder called newPostEncoder
that only includes title
, authorName
, and authorUrl
. Let’s add that below postEncoder
in Post.elm
newPostEncoder : Post -> Encode.Value
newPostEncoder post =
[ ( "title", Encode.string post.title )
, ( "authorName", Encode.string post.authorName )
, ( "authorUrl", Encode.string post.authorUrl )
We need to expose newPostEncoder
in Post.elm
and NewPost.elm
module Post exposing
, newPostEncoder
module Page.NewPost exposing (Model)
import Post exposing (Post, PostId, emptyPost, newPostEncoder, postDecoder)
PostCreated Message
When the POST
request is complete, the Elm runtime will send the PostCreated
message to update
. Let’s add it to the Msg
type in NewPost.elm
type Msg
| CreatePost
| PostCreated (Result Http.Error Post)
Just like PostSaved
, PostCreated
’s payload also doesn’t need to be of type WebData
. A simple Result
type is sufficient. Let’s handle PostCreated
by adding two new branches to update
in NewPost.elm
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
CreatePost ->
PostCreated (Ok post) ->
( { model | post = post, createError = Nothing }
, Cmd.none
PostCreated (Err error) ->
( { model | createError = Just (buildErrorMessage error) }
, Cmd.none
Handling Post Create Error
If the request is successful, we need to assign the newly created post to the post
field. But if the request fails, we need to save an error message in the createError
field. Let’s add that field to Model
in NewPost.elm
type alias Model =
{ navKey : Nav.Key
, post : Post
, createError : Maybe String
Now initialize createError
to Nothing
in initialModel
initialModel : Nav.Key -> Model
initialModel navKey =
{ navKey = navKey
, post = emptyPost
, createError = Nothing
And import the Route
and Error
modules in NewPost.elm
module Page.NewPost exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view)
import Error exposing (buildErrorMessage)
import Route
Next we need to display the error message. Add the following code below the newPostForm
function in NewPost.elm
viewError : Maybe String -> Html msg
viewError maybeError =
case maybeError of
Just error ->
div []
[ h3 [] [ text "Couldn't create a post at this time." ]
, text ("Error: " ++ error)
Nothing ->
text ""
And call viewError
from view
in NewPost.elm
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ h3 [] [ text "Create New Post" ]
, newPostForm
, viewError model.createError
Taking Users Back to the ListPosts Page
It makes sense to take the users back to the ListPosts
page after a new post is created. To do that, we need to return a command from the PostCreated (Ok post) ->
branch using Route.pushUrl
. Modify that branch in NewPost.update
as shown below.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
PostCreated (Ok post) ->
( { model | post = post, createError = Nothing }
, Route.pushUrl Route.Posts model.navKey
PostCreated (Err error) ->
We already implemented Route.pushUrl
in the Creating Edit Post Page section, but we haven’t added a branch for the NewPost
route in routeToString
yet. Let’s do that in Route.elm
routeToString : Route -> String
routeToString route =
case route of
Post postId ->
NewPost ->
Adding NewPageMsg to Main
Now that we’re done implementing the NewPost
page, we need to import it in Main.elm
module Main exposing (main)
import Page.NewPost as NewPost
Currently, the NewPost
module exposes only Model
. We need to expose Msg
, init
, update
, and view
too. Let’s do that.
module Page.NewPost exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view)
Next add NewPageMsg
to the Msg
type in Main.elm
type Msg
| EditPageMsg EditPost.Msg
| NewPageMsg NewPost.Msg
And handle that message by adding a new branch to update
in Main.elm
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case ( msg, ) of
( EditPageMsg subMsg, EditPage pageModel ) ->
( NewPageMsg subMsg, NewPage pageModel ) ->
( updatedPageModel, updatedCmd ) =
NewPost.update subMsg pageModel
( { model | page = NewPage updatedPageModel }
, NewPageMsg updatedCmd
( _, _ ) ->
The branch for handling NewPageMsg
looks very similar to the one that handles ListPageMsg
which is already covered in the Updating Page Models section. This marks the completion of step 10 from the sequence diagram above. Step 11 and 12 are also in place already.
Step 13 - 17: Return NewPost View
We can take care of the rest of the steps by adding a new branch for NewPage
to the currentView
function in Main.elm
currentView : Model -> Html Msg
currentView model =
case of
EditPage pageModel ->
NewPage pageModel ->
NewPost.view pageModel
|> NewPageMsg
If you don’t remember how
works, you may want to review the Displaying Current Page section.
Testing the NewPost Page
We’re now ready to test the NewPost
page. Run json-server
and elm-live
from the beginning-elm
directory in separate terminal windows if they aren’t running already.
$ json-server --watch server/db.json -p 5019
$ elm-live post-app/Main.elm --pushstate
Check the elm-live
window in terminal to make sure everything compiled successfully. Now go to http://localhost:8000
and you should see the Create new post link.
Click that link and you’ll be taken to the NewPost
page. The URL in browser’s address bar will also change to http://localhost:8000/posts/new
. Enter the following info into the text fields and click Submit
- Title:
- Author Name:
- Author URL:
If everything goes well, json-server
will create a new post and you’ll be taken back to the ListPosts
incremented the id
by 1 to 3
and assigned it to the new post. Originally, we had two posts. We then deleted the first post in the Deleting a Post section. It’s uncommon for the server to reuse a deleted resource’s id
. You can also verify the creation of a new post by checking the server/db.json
"posts": [
"title": "elm-live",
"authorName": "wking-io",
"authorUrl": "",
"id": 3
In this section, we learned how to create a new resource by sending a POST
HTTP request to the server. The process for creating a new resource is very similar to how we update an existing resource. One major difference is we can’t include the id
of a new resource in JSON body.